Agricultural Society
Bob Turner: 306-621-3595
Between Friends Quilters Guild
Colleen McNichol: 306-528-7570
Cemetery Committee
Janice Edwards: 306-528-4324
Curling Club
Lois Mortenson: 306-528-7825
Donor's Choice
Tanya Zdunich: 306-528-2010 (w)
Early Learning Centre
Maureen Tait: 306-528-7522
Forever In Motion
Janice Edwards: 306-528-4324
Health Centre Foundation Board
Ev Edwards: 306-528-2286 (w)
Health Centre Ladies Auxillary
Lynn Shott: 306-528-4615
Minor Ball
Raeleen Hulan: 306-528-7787
Minor Hockey
Raeleen Hulan: 306-528-7787
Nokomis District Museum:
Shelly Hendry: 306-946-7753
Nokomis Fire Co-operative
Ryan Harley: 306-528-7636
Nokomis Golf Club
Lois Mortenson: 306-528-7825
Nokomis Housing Authority
Nokomis Housing Authority is an agency of the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC).
We are responsible for the operation of the provincially-owned public housing portfolio in Nokomis.
We oversee 16 one-bedroom units, and 2 family houses.
Our goal is to provide safe housing with affordable rent to seniors and families.
*Housing is targeted to households whose income is too low to obtain accommodations in the private market without spending more than 30% of household income on housing costs. Priority for placement is determined on an assessed needs basis in accordance with approved Saskatchewan Housing Corporation guidelines.
Applications are available at https://publications.saskatchewan.ca/api/v1/products/103498/formats/114786/download
All inquiries please contact Nichola Johnston, Manager
Nokomis Play School
Emily Jabs: 306-528-7393
Nokomis/Strasbourg Gymkhana Club
Samantha Chamberlain
North Star Rifle Range
Doug Potter: 306-528-7711
Recreation Centre Board
Ashton Edwards: 306-528-7765
Royal Canadian Legion #290
Rod Brooks, Sec
Seniors Welcome Inn
Maureen Tait: 306-528-7522
Story Hour
Theresa Strachan: 306-528-2251
Wheatland Regional Library
Theresa Strachan: 306-528-2251