Town Bylaws
2015 -02 Bylaw to Appoint a Bylaw Enforcement Officer
2015-04 Burning Bylaw
2016-01 Council Procedures Bylaw
2016-03 Code of Ethics Bylaw
2017-01 Extension of Time Bylaw
2017-02 Protect Public Trees Bylaw
2018-01 A Bylaw to Establish Certain Expenditures
2018-03 Bylaw regulations regarding Vehicles
2021-01 Bylaw to establish Property Tax and Incentives
2021-02 Bylaw to Establish Base Tax for Residential, Commercial and Agriculture Improvements
2021-03 Bylaw to Establish Mill Rate Factors
2021-04 Bylaw to establish a Beautification Committee
2021-05 Bylaw to Establish a Cemetery Committee
2021-06 Fixing Water Rates Bylaw
2022-01 Bylaw to Provide, Regulate and Control a Public Cemetery
2024-01 Building Bylaw
2024-02 Official Community Plan
2024-03 Zoning Bylaw
2024-04 Animal Control Bylaw